May the stars shine through the
In the beautiful moon light,
As I lye,
Wishing we were together tonight.
I miss your touch,
And I wish we were not apart,
My feelings for you are so much.
Deep inside I know you’re
But it’s different when you’re
not around,
But I know you still care,
And I can’t wait to see you
because my heart feels found.
You comfort my soul,
And you cease my pain,
You make my heart feel whole,
For that there is so much for us
to gain.
I wish for the lust of warmth with
your arms around me,
So my heart beats fast and then
Where there is no place else I would
rather be,
Besides wrapped in your arms in
the future.
As I stare at us in the candle light,
As the wick flickers the flare,
Seeing us smile the happiness the
feelings that are so right,
Seeing how we make a perfect pair.
As I lye wishing upon a star,
I hope you find my love,
No matter where you are,
Just look above, missing love!